FAQ | Software for transport services | KIWIride
KIWI ride

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Complete Solution (CS)?

Integrated software KIWIride is the IT solution for sharing, rent, delivery and taxi services of any transport. We will introduce to you the infrastructure of transport services and ensure efficient management of business structures.

This complete solution provides access to the software, vehicle management system and iOS/Android mobile application with one user interface.

What transport services software can you integrate?
  • B2B integration software
  • Sharing service software
  • Rent service software
  • Delivery service software
  • Taxi service software
What business management tools do you offer?

Control panels and service monitoring.

The complete solution allows you to manage the service and monitor activities using automated workstations. By this you can create a single platform for your business and effectively implement a new strategy. Using statistical data analysis, you can predict future growth rates.

What integration business models do you offer?

Our innovation allows you to activate the functionality of the fleet management system, depending on the business model that we offer. To combine your fleet by sharing service with software, we suggest choosing the following types of turnkey partnerships:

  • KIWIride-franchise
  • White label

Details of the business model conditions are formed based on the type of transport services: sharing, rent, delivery, taxi. For each type, we have developed our own tariff package and set up the corresponding functional access in the management system.

What is included in KIWIride-franchise business model?

In addition to the main software solution, you will receive a multifunctional software solution for iOS and Android versions of the mobile application in one interface for the following vehicles:

Scooter, e-scooter

  • Bike, e-bike
  • Moped, e-moped
  • Car, e-car
What is included in White label business model?

White label business model consists of three commercial offers: Silver, Gold and Platinum. The business model was developed based on the adaptation of the service part, which allows business to expand from the B2C segment to the B2B segment. This will give an opportunity to enter a big market and cooperate with larger companies.

What vehicles can be integrated with the software?

In addition to the main software solution, you will receive a multifunctional software solution for iOS and Android versions of the mobile application in one interface for the following vehicles:

Scooter, kick scooter, e-scooter

  • Bike, e-bike
  • Car, e-car
  • Moped, e-moped
What types of transport services does the mobile application of the integrated solution include?

The process of business generation is carried out within 1-2 weeks, depending on the business package you have chosen for the proposed services and types of transport. Our specialists provide all technical support during the entire period of cooperation, regardless of any package type.

How long does the business integration take?

The process of business generation is carried out within 1-2 weeks, depending on the business package you have chosen for the proposed services and types of transport. Our specialists provide all technical support during the entire period of cooperation, regardless of any package type.

What do you need to do to cooperate with us?
  • Select the type of transport service;
  • Select the type of one or more vehicles;
  • Choose the type of cooperation: KIWIride-franchise or White label;
  • Contact us and start the step-by-step process of implementing the complete solution.
Can you provide the commercial offer for KIWIride-franchise business model on the integration to vehicles?

Can you provide the commercial offer for White label business model on the integration to vehicles?

How can I contact you?